2018 Summer Movie Season: Season Awards

The 6th Annual Summer Movie Season Awards

By: Brandon Porter

Hey there followers!!! Well, here we are. The end of the summer movie season. I have to say, this has been one of the best summer seasons in recent memory with so many memorable films spread out over the past several months. But with the fall movies coming in and awards season in full swing, it is time to properly close things out with our annual post SMS awards

Best Summer Movie Actor 
(Josh Brolin)

The hands-down king among actors this summer was the guy who occupied 2 Marvel films. His gut-wrenching performance as Thanos and his stone cold demeanor as Cable made Josh Brolin the biggest and brightest star of the SMS.

Best Summer Movie Actress 

(Zazie Beetz)

Coming in with an irresistible charm that rivaled her foul mouther co-star, Zazie Beetz captured the hearts of many as the luck powered hero Domino in one of the summer's delightfully scene-stealing starlets. 

Best Action Movie

 (Mission Impossible Fallout)

It is rare for a franchise to get better with each installment. But Mission Impossible manages to do just that. Building off the momentum of its previous predecessor's Ghost Protocol and Rogue Nation, Mission Impossible Fallout continues to push the envelope and turn this series into one of the best action franchises in Hollywood.

Best Animated Movie/Best Superhero Movie 

(Incredibles 2)

14 years is a long time to wait for a movie. That said, Incredibles 2 made great use of that gap delivering arguably one of the best animated films this calendar year. Gorgeous animation, high stakes action, and terrific voice acting make this action-adventure truly incredible.

Best Sci-fi Movie

(Ant-Man and the Wasp)

A sequel that hits all the right notes by building on what made the first one special, Ant-Man and the Wasp is a fun summer romp that improves on its predecessor and closes Marvel's 2018 slate with its fans begging for what comes next.

And Finally, The Top Honor of The SMS Goes Too...

Movie Of The Summer

Despite all the standout movies this year, no other movie rocked the movie world quite like the culmination of the MCU. An incredible villain, devastating revelations, and brutal emotional carnage, Avengers Infinity War is without a doubt one of the most emotionally enveloping cinematic experiences of this generation.

Thank you to everyone who supported the blog this summer. Had a fun time bringing you all this content. Have an incredible fall and winter and hope to see you next year!!!! 
