2016 Summer Movie Season - Independence Day Resurgence: Review & Analysis

Welcome Back To Earth!!! Sequel to 1996 Blockbuster is Fun and Silly Summer Movie Bliss!!!

Review By Brandon Porter

We Always Knew They Would Comeback

Story Description

On the weekend of July 4th in 1996, Earth experienced an undeniable tragedy. An extraterrestrial armada ascended upon earth looking to destroy all life on the planet. Thankfully, a collection of brave individuals, including scientist David Levinson (Jeff Goldblum) and former president Thomas J Whitmore (Bill Pullman) came together and defeated the invaders saving the planet and inspiring a generation. 20 years later, Earth has seen much change. Using the technology of their fallen enemy, the military has upgraded their weaponry and vehicles to become a more technological advanced force. But in the 20 years of preparation, the aliens that once brought earth to near destruction...have returned with an even stronger armada. Faced with an equally stronger invading force, old allies and new heroes must rise up and fight for the survival of the human race. It will take grit, courage, sacrifice, and hope to save the planet from a second coming of potential extinction. Who will survive the next fight for Independence?!!!

Old friends stare down an old enemy.

Critical and Financial Analysis

When Independence Day hit theaters 20 years ago, it was a landmark hit and ushered in the genre we now refer to as the big budget summer action blockbuster. It's visual and practical effects were astounding even if the content was cheesy. Still the film is a fun Sci fi classic that is loved to this day. 20 years later, the sequel sees the return of the main cast (with one notable absence) for the next chapter. The early results were mixed to somewhat lackluster. A dismal 37% rating from critics and an equally dissapointing 47% rating from audiences tell the story of the follow up to the 96 classic. With a $4 million opening day haul, it seems that the series should have left at one movie. So much for a good fight.

No Landmark Is Safe

Film Review

It is always hard to follow up a classic especially 2 decades after the release. Independence Day Resurgence sees the return of old cast members and new comers for the next big struggle for intergalactic supremacy. After experiencing the film in IMAX, the film is a brainlessly entertaining and fun summer flick. Like it's predecessor, the film is aware of its outlandish and borderline ridiculousness and it is not afraid to make you aware, The film constantly makes fun of itself throwing gags and underlying jokes that make reference to the first movie. The fact that the movie never takes itself seriously is one of the biggest things I loved about the film. The performances were also a lot of fun as well. Returning cast members like Jeff Goldblum, Brent Spiner, Bill Pullman, and Judd Hirsch all deliver fun and engaging performances in their return roles. Goldblum and Spiner in particular have the most fun out of anybody and have some of the film's best comedic moments. As for the new characters, Jesse Usher, Liam Hemsworth, and Maika Monroe are a strong young nucleus that deliver solid performances in their own right and look able enough to carry the franchise if it continues, The film's action was another thing that was positive. It is the true definition of "big, loud, and fun". Several action sequences were very well executed and delivered fast paced excitement and spectacle. With all the positive things going for it, the film does get obviously quite predictable, but it doesn't deny you fun that comes with it. Overall, Independence Day Resurgence is the true blue representation of what a summer movie should be: big, loud, dumb, and fun. The sequel to the groundbreaking sci fi classic won't be recognized for its deep plot and characters, but it will be remembered for its uncanny ability to poke fun at its own absurdness and create a sense of lighthearted awe and excitement.

Rating and Final Thoughts 
A brainless, stupid, dumb, yet entertaining popcorn action summer spectacle.
IDR never tries to be something its not and succeeds in delivering
an authentic "summer at the movies" experience.
20 years later and the fight for Intergalactic Independence is just 
as silly, entertaining, and fun now as it was back in the mid 90's.
