2014 Summer Movie Season - The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Review & Analysis



Swinging In For Seconds!!! Spidey’s Second Adventure Delivers Strong Installment to Young Rebooted Franchise!!!!

By: Brandon Porter
Peter Parker begins his greatest battle yet as Spider-Man
                Peter Parker’s (Andrew Garfield) life couldn’t be more exciting, as the web slinging hero Spider-Man, he is fully embracing his role as the town’s unquestioned guardian. Finding balance between his home life with his aunt, helping people across the city, and keeping his forbidden romance with Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone), Peter seems to have this hero thing down pretty well. But soon, Peter’s childhood friend and son of OSCORP founder Norman Osborn Harry (Dean DeHaan) arrives to inherit his father’s company. Peter now finds himself facing his greatest challenge yet as he prepares to encounter obstacles that reveal the truth he’s been searching for and put everything he holds dear at risk.
Peter and Gwen meet up for some quality time in Manhattan.
                Since Sony Pictures decided to reboot the Spider-Man franchise, concern and optimism has surrounded it ever since it began. With a solid financial and critical performance of the first film in the rebooted series, people were eager to see how the sequel will do the second time around. For the critics, it was somewhat unsatisfactory. With a disappointing critical rating of 54% on Rotten Tomatoes, critics seem to on the brink of putting the franchise on the death watch list. Critic’s complaints stemmed from the films length to the addition of all the villains. However, they enjoyed the strong chemistry displayed by Andrew and Emma Stone Tim Robey of The Telegraph states that, “Marc Webb's Spider-Man sequel is overstuffed with high-voltage villains, but the sparks between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone save the day". On a positive note, Richard Roeper gave the film a solid B+ saying, “It's about 20 minutes too long and it's overstuffed with too many characters and too many subplots, but there's enough good stuff in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 to ward optimism about the next chapter of the franchise.” Financially, Spider-Man did well. It grossed $92 million dollars at the box office and had a worldwide gross of $368 million. Despite the strong box office numbers, the critical decline puts the franchise in a very tough position that begs the question: Is the rebooted franchise in danger of being shunned or can Marvel Studios do it better?
Spider-Man and Electro go head-to-head at OSCORP
                After 2012’s Spider-Man reboot, the world was reintroduced to one of Marvel Comics’ golden boys. With a new lead actor, love interest, and new look. The Amazing Spider Man franchise was launched hoping to create a new look for the web slinging Avenger (Yes, I did say AVENGER!!! Are you listening Sony and Marvel Studios?!) Fast forward two year and Spidey returns with a brand spanking new suit and new enemies to face. I was lucky enough to experience it in IMAX and I really liked what I saw. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is exactly what I hoped it would be. A sequel that builds on what is good and fixes what didn’t work the first time. This time around, Andrew Garfield is now fully established as Spider-Man. Everything from his demeanor, wise cracks, and overall aura makes me love him as the character more and more. At this point, he has fully surpassed Tobey McGuire’s performance as the character. As for the others, Jamie Foxx delivers a very solid performance as Max Dillon/Electro. I in no way shape or form had to worry about how Foxx would do in the role. Given some of his recent work, I am convinced he can play any role he gets his hands on. His role is this film backs that claim. Foxx’s portrayal of Max Dillon is very good. Max comes off as someone who just wants to be noticed and acknowledged for his hard work and brilliance. Unfortunately, he just seems to be a small stain no one pays attention to. All he wants to do is be seen and recognized by people. This makes him relatable in a way and you feel sympathy for him. We all want to be recognized for our work and efforts but sometimes they go unnoticed and we are pushed aside like we don’t matter. When Dillon becomes Electro, in a way, he gets his chance to show everyone what he is capable of, including his idol Spider-Man. However, in his pursuit of gratification, he loses his sense of morality and becomes someone other than the person we see in the beginning of the film. Jamie plays this well and I really enjoyed his performance. Emma Stone delivers very well as Gwen Stacy in her second running. Dean DeHaan dose well as Harry Osborn and establishes his place as a future prominent figure in the rebooted franchise in his small amount of screen time. The action in this film far exceeds the previous one. I felt that The Amazing Spider-Man had the best action out of any of the films. This film tops it big time. The action is fast, fun, and exciting. So far, the rebooted franchise does a much better job at delivering great action sequences than the original trilogy. The film also does a good job of filling in the holes that were left in the first film. You really see all the unanswered question from the first movie answered in this one which is really great to see. Another plus for me was the films emotional impact. Without giving anything away, there is a powerfully emotional scene that had me almost in tears. It really hits you hard and is a bold but good move for this still growing franchise. I do believe there is plenty of room for improvement if this franchise continues to move forward. But if the right things are done, The Amazing Spider-Man franchise can hopefully live up to its name
Rating and Final Thoughts
Delivering solid acting, terrific action, and strong emotional fiber, Spidey’s second running is a solid indication that the reborn franchise is moving in the right direction.
With another Spider-Man film out, question still remain on Sony’s plans for the franchise and what does the future hold for the rest of the retold tale of Peter Parker.
