2012 Summer Movie Season Preview

 Hey There Followers!!! Can you believe it's been almost a year since the last summer movie season?! Well now, the time has come again at last. The 2012 Summer Movie Season is only five days away and this year looks poised to top last year. To start off this season preview, lets get a breakdown of what to expect this year. Universal Pictures has a couple of very entertaining possible blockbusters in Snow White and The Huntsman and Battleship. Following a slight fall out of grace with critics, Disney and Pixar will look to rebound on the shoulders of their newest heroine Merida in Brave. After 10 years, Will Smith returns as Agent J in the third installment of the Men In Black franchise and this time he's going back in time. Also making a return, to the director's chair, is veteran Ridley Scott in his Sci-fi horror flick Prometheus starring Rooney Mara and Charlize Theron premiring in June. Speaking of June, The Joes and Cobra go head to head once more on June 29th in G.I. Joe Retaliation with a new collection of characters including Flint, Lady Jaye, and Roadblock played by Dwayne "The Rock" Jonhson. And the battle of superhero studios Marvel and DC is garunteed to rock the summer box office!!! DC looks to rebound from being shellshocked last summer by Marvel in a monumental way as Christopher Nolan releases the epic final chapter to the Batman legend with The Dark Knight Rises. However dispite this, don't count Marvel out this year!!! They will be looking to do some heavy hitting of their own by releasing two films based on the studio's crown jewels, Spider-Man and The Avengers. This comic book studio rivalry is gonna be an all out war filled with action, adventure, and all out epicness!!! Well guys, that pretty much somes up the headline films for the Summer Movie Season. I will be putting up two more post before The Avengers kicks things off this friday which include the month preview for May and for the fellas, a special breackdown of the ladies you'll see this summer on the big screen. See ya soon!!!
