2011 Summer Movie Season -Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2: Review & Analysis

End of an Era, Birth of a Legacy!!! The Final Chapter of The Boy Who Lived's Epic Tale Puts Capper on One of Hollywood's Greatest Cinema Franchices
                 By: Brandon Porter

"Come on Tom, Let's finish this the way we started it.....TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - Harry Potter to Voldemort

Only one..

Can Live..

The Story
   An ominous aoura of darkness surrounds the wizarding and muggle worlds. Lord Voldemort and his forces continue to spread pain, death, and chaos to everyone they come in contact with. Harry Potter and his friends, after bearly escaping one of the dark lord's loyal acomplices in Bellatrix Lestrange at Malfloy Manor, continue their seach for the Horcruxes, items that maintain Voldemort's immortality. The last leg of their seach will bring them back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to face the dark lord himself and his army of death eaters. The events Harry has endured have preeped him for this moment and ultimately a great scarifice must be made to ensure the peace of the magic and non-magic worlds alike as the long awaited battle between good and evil reach the peak of the spear. The end has finally come, the lines has been drawn, and when it's all said and done...only ONE can live...... 

Harry Potter prepares to duel Voldemort in the courtyard of
a burning Hogwarts.
   There is no denying that the final chapter the Harry Potter saga was the most anticipated film in the entire summer movie season or the year of 2011 for that matter. The true end of an entire decade of magic, wonder, fun, and suspense were almost about to be forever silenced never to be awakened again. It was certain that the people who had been working on these films since the Sorcerer's Stone in 2001 were just as emotional as the millions of people around the world who went to see it. From Daniel, to Emma, to Rupert, and everyone else, I'm sure it was hard to beileve that this would be the last time they would ever do this. When the finale of the epic series finally arrived on July 15th, the world's wait for the end had finally ceased. thousands of theater's across the globe, both conventional and IMAX, filled up every seat to witness the end. After just the first weekend, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 became an instant box office bahemeth breaking numerous box office records and opening day records. On opening weekend, the Deathly Hallows Part 2 raked in $169,189,427 becoming the biggest opeing weekend release for a film in box office history and $15,500,000 in opening day for IMAX. As of July 20th, the film has currently made over $604,887,891 worldwide. In addition opening day records, Harry Potter 7 Part 2 broke previous records held by past box office blockbusters. The film now holds the title of Widest 3D launch (Previously held by shared month competitor Transformers: Dark of the Moon), Highest Gross in Advance Ticket Sales and Biggest Midnight Release (Both Previously held by The Twilight Saga: Eclipse), and Biggest IMAX Midnight Release (Previously held by prior release Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1). Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 really became a finacial giant in just a few short days of realese. Critically, the film did the best out of any of the previous 7 movies. Rotten Tomateos gave the film a near perfect 97% rating, the highest since Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban  in 2004 that recived a 90% overall rating, stating it was "Thrilling, powerfully acted, and visually dazzling, Deathly Hallows Part II brings the Harry Potter franchise to a satisfying – and suitably magical – conclusion,". Reviewer Roger Ebert gave the film three and a half out of four stars sayin, ""The finale conjures up enough awe and solemnity to serve as an appropriate finale and a dramatic contrast to the lighthearted (relative) innocence of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone all those magical years ago." After doneing "Universal Acclaim" and become one of the best reviewed films of 2011, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 has truly brought one of the most beloved stories in history to a bittersweet end and put to rest an entire decade of childhood memories and secures the series' place as one of the greatest film franchises of all time.

After 10 years together, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and
Rupert Grint take on the roles of Harry, Ron, and Hermione
one last time......
    Out of all the films in the summer movie season, nothing excited me more than to see the final chapter of the Harry Potter saga. I thought it was cinema heaven when I saw that Transformers: Dark of the Moon and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 were being realesed in the same month. When I finally got the oppurtunity to see the film in IMAX 3D, I was beyond exstatic. But strangly, the seconds into the film, I felt my heart beating uncontrollably as the opening title sequences began to appear. I realized that while I was going to enjoy the best movie in July, I was also experiencing the countdown to the end of a series that I had never knew meant so much to me. Even if I didn't read all the books, The films captured the books so well I felt like I had read them. As for the movie itself, it was damn near perfect!!! Every moment of the film was emotional. Rearly was there a dull moment either for the intensity was present in every second of the film.The emotion was so high that it had me on the brink of tears in most moments of the film to the point where in one scene, the tears just started flowing down. Acting was as solid as ever in this film. Watching the characters I grew up with rise up and become heroes was heartwarming and gratifying. And Neville Longbottom's out of nowhere courage was outstanding. I remember when he was the very shy and clumsy kid always getting mixed up in zany situations. I remember in the first film where he stood up to his friends so they wouldn't get hurt looking for the Sorcerer's Stone, though Hermione did freeze him, that showed Neville had guts to stand and show courage. Fast forward to the final film, Neville's courage was on full display throughout the entire film. Seeing him go from clumsy kid to full fledged hero was brillient and a joy to watch. And the romantic relationship between Ron and Hermione finally coming into frution was both relieving and funny. The kiss in the chamber of secrets was so sudden, I couldn't help but laugh but all the same thinking, "It's about time." And I can't forget about Severus Snape. After hating his guts for what he did to Dumbledore in the sixth film, I starting hating myself after seeing what he did over the course of the films behind the scenes. The courage and sacrifice he displayed was so moving it made my heart ache. Without him, Harry would have never found the courage to finally defeat Voldemort therefore making Snape the unsung hero of the day. The emotion, the action, and the drama of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 were as thrilling as can be making this film the most intense movie event of the year. Overall, I was both saddend and satisfied with this film, saddend that there will never be another one and satisfied that after 10 memerable years, we can all truly say that all is well.

Rating and Final Thoughs
 98% A+
  The best film of 2011 hands down. This closes the curtain on 10 years of magical memories that will never leave the hearts of the millions of people who experienced the tale of the boy who lived.

It's hard to beileve after so many years, It has all ended. Thank you Emma, Rupert, and Daniel
for giving us the best 10 years we and you have ever had. We love you and we'll miss you. May you remain Harry, Ron, and Hermione in our hearts forever....
